Com­pet­ent advice for your indi­vidu­al needs

Our many years of exper­i­ence enable us to devel­op cus­tom­ized solu­tions for the spe­cif­ic require­ments of dif­fer­ent indus­tries.

Ded­ic­ated con­sult­ants with extens­ive net­work

Our expert con­sult­ants spe­cial­ize in vari­ous indus­tries and have in-depth know­ledge and an extens­ive net­work of sup­pli­ers in the fol­low­ing areas:

Hydraul­ics industry

We have extens­ive exper­i­ence in the hydraul­ic industry and can help you find the right sup­pli­er part­ners for hydraul­ic com­pon­ents.

Agri­cul­tur­al machinery tech­no­logy

We are very famil­i­ar with the require­ments of agri­cul­tur­al machinery tech­no­logy and are happy to help you find suit­able sup­pli­ers for your agri­cul­tur­al machinery.

Road con­struc­tion machinery

When it comes to road con­struc­tion machinery, we offer our expert­ise to help you choose the right sup­pli­ers for this spe­cif­ic industry.

Machine tools

The machine tool industry requires pre­cise com­pon­ents. With our know­ledge and cooper­a­tion with renowned com­pan­ies, we can ensure that you find the best sup­pli­er part­ners for your machine tools.


The auto­mot­ive industry is extremely demand­ing. We are here to help you select high-qual­ity sup­pli­ers for your auto­mot­ive com­pon­ents.

Fil­tra­tion tech­no­logy

Effi­cient fil­tra­tion tech­no­logy is of great import­ance in many indus­tries. Our expert­ise sup­ports you in select­ing sup­pli­ers for your spe­cif­ic fil­tra­tion require­ments.

Elec­tric­al engin­eer­ing

With our exper­i­ence in elec­tric­al engin­eer­ing, we can help you find the right sup­pli­er part­ners for elec­tron­ic com­pon­ents and sys­tems.

Plastics Tech­no­logy

The auto­mot­ive industry is extremely demand­ing. We are here to help you select high-qual­ity sup­pli­ers for your auto­mot­ive com­pon­ents.